solar wood shake roof

Solar on a wood-shake roof? Ask Nextdoor

Since its inception a few years ago, my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed the utility, efficiency and candor of Nextdoor. If you're not familiar with the web site, it's a community, neighborhood-specific forum, a virtual over-the-fence, at-the-mailbox medium for neighbors to communicate. Garage sale? Lost pet? Furniture to sell or giveaway? Break-in to report? Recommendation for a fence-building contractor? 

Nextdoor is terrific. It enables neighbors to earnestly communicate. And, it's a darn good neighborhood watchdog.

Yesterday, my mom, who lives in El Macero, called. Three times. (I was in a meeting.) Then texted, in caps: DID YOU SEE NEXTDOOR?????

I logged in, fearful Maxwell, our labrador, was roaming the mean streets of Willowbank. Fortunately, no lost pet ... simply a solar question from a neighbor:

We are hoping to get solar panels installed to alleviate some of the cost of PG&E. However, we have a wood shake roof. So far, I have not found any company that will put solar on that type of roof. Does anyone know if this is possible, or know of a company that does it? Would appreciate any insight.

I grinned: We've had the fortune of helping a dozen or so homeowners (who have wood-shake roofs) go solar. It's not as straight forward as installing solar on a tile or composition roof, but certainly doable (if your contractor is experienced).

Scrolling down through the neighborhood commentary, here's where my grin grew to a smile:

You might check with Chris at Repower Yolo in downtown Davis.

We also used Repower Yolo ( They were wonderful to work with and did a spectacular job! Their installers not only knew the solar system, but were also very experienced with roofing. And they're local!

Talk to Chris or John at Repower. I did two homes, wood shake and copper and was very pleased. 

We also used Chris at RepowerYolo and were very happy with the process, and extremely happy with our non-existent electricity bills.

We also used Chris and John at they had the best price, impeccable service and attention to detail, and highest quality solar equipment- local company who doesn't advertise and saves homeowners a lot of money- We love our solar panels and besides saving a lot of money we feel we are doing our part!! 

Since we do not advertise, cold-call, or employ commission salespeople, such conversations are invaluable. And, it's a key element of how we are able to reduce the cost of solar for Yolo County residents ... whether you have a wood-shake roof or not.