Repower Homeowner Reaches Net Zero and Projects Surplus

[Originally published April 9, 2015]

We recently received this email from Repower homeowner, Fred Lee:

"Today is an important milestone in our solar cell operation in that the PGE smart meter today reads the same as the day we officially started operation of the solar cells on July 15, 2014.  This means that the solar cells have generated as much electricity as we have used since July 15, 2014. From now till next October we will be generating more electricity than we use and will be able to sell the excess to PGE next July on the one year anniversary of the solar cell operation. We expect to generate at least 50 kW/day over the summer and early fall. In a couple of months we will generate sufficient electricity to pay off the monthly cost of the loan that we took to pay for the solar cells."  

And there you have it, directly from one of our homeowners. Great news! We'd love to help you repower with solar. Just give us a call or submit your contact information.